The Roadmap is a “peace from within” model that we use to help explain key concepts in nonviolence, how to think strategically and broadly about nonviolent action, and to inspire people to find themselves within a ‘movement of movements.’

Roadmap is based on raising the human image.

 Take the Roadmap Course: “Nonviolent Movements Today”

Looking at movements today can leave us feeling fragmented and sometimes ineffective. This is because we lack a framework for contextualizing movement action when it happens and we often miss the tremendous strategic advantages that would come from pulling these threads together. 

People have practiced nonviolence in one context or another but very few have recognized that it can be an entire worldview and a cohesive framework for social action.  If we can conceptualize and put this into practice, it would knit these many strands together and make us much more effective. The only practical way to achieve this cohesiveness is with a shift in our fragmented worldview. 

Take the journey below and emerge with an overview of the spectrum of movements that are working at ushering in a nonviolent world and a sense of trajectory by which they can advance.

Begin by clicking on the Roadmap image below and then move through each section…

“If we want our actions to add to the building of a new culture even while resolving the issue at hand, we should not hesitate to explain why we’re doing what we’re doing, to anyone who’ll listen. The point is not that they’ll immediately ‘get it’; the point is that this is how paradigms change: through repetition that slowly builds up and becomes the new normal.”

— Michael Nagler, The Third Harmony, p. 81

“We need the worldview that’s always been there, but is mostly buried in what are called the world’s wisdom traditions — and that have now, for the first time in over 300 years, the solid backing of science. The core of this worldview for our purposes is its strikingly different image of who we are as human beings. We are not primarily separate bodies, as advertisers and others try incessantly to tell us. We are body, mind, and spirit, or consciousness — indeed primarily consciousness. And that has tremendous consequences.”

— Michael Nagler, The Un-Shock Doctrine,” Waging Nonviolence, March, 2020

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