Nonviolence Radio

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FM Radio Program out of our Mother Station KWMR, Point Reyes Station; syndicated; transcribed; and podcast across the usual suspects of podcast channels.

Hosted by Stephanie Van Hook and Michael Nagler

Editing and transcripts by Matthew Watrous

Nonviolence Radio is a 60-minute program featuring news about nonviolence culture and movements around the world. The show typically includes inspiring discussions with nonviolence practitioners and movement-builders and The Nonviolence Report with Michael Nagler, an analysis of nonviolence in the news from the week.

COMMUNITY RADIO BROADCASTERS: We can provide you with audio files that include Nonviolence Radio intros and outros for your station. You can also access our show files at AudioPort.orgContact us for more show info.

Bonus Content:

The Nonviolence Report and The Nonviolent Moment

The Visionary Activism of the Long Civil Rights Movement
Nonviolence Radio The Metta Center Team Nonviolence Radio The Metta Center Team

The Visionary Activism of the Long Civil Rights Movement

Victoria Wolcott joins Stephanie and Michael on this episode of Nonviolence Radio to talk about her recent book, Living the Future: Utopianism and the Long Civil Rights Movement. Victoria, a history professor at the University of Buffalo, explores the long history of utopianism in the US and its relation to nonviolence, specifically nonviolence as manifested in constructive program, that is, the active building of a nurturing and supportive community as an alternative to a discriminatory and oppressive one.

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