Basics of Nonviolence with Michael Nagler
Join us for a six-week Zoom course taught by Michael Nagler, as he lays the groundwork of nonviolence as taught by the Metta Center.
Weekly meetings take place on Zoom, Fridays from January 26 - March 1, from 11am-12:30pm California Time.
Sessions will include lectures, discussions, and work on individual projects.
Course Materials will include:
The Third Harmony film,
Reading materials from the Metta Center’s bookstore, and
Readings from Gandhi and other nonviolence theorists and activists
Upon completion of course, students will take away:
an understanding of the history and theory of nonviolence as not only a strategic tool, but a holistic vision of life
an understanding of the basic concepts, terms, and models used at the Metta Center
knowledge of Gandhi’s impact on a diverse range of fields, and how this connects to the concept of “paradigm shift”
practical ideas for projects that can create significant change
resources to equip their further exploration of nonviolence
Participation in the course is free; but we always accept donations here.
Questions can be directed to Sophia.