Where To Go From Here?


Connect with us

The Whole World is Our Family

We hope this program made a significant contribution to your family's practice of nonviolence. Thanks for everything each of you does do to bring peace into the world. If you'd like to keep in touch with us, you can:

  • Share your thoughts – Tells about your overall experiences/reflections during this course with us by mailing us an old-fashioned letter (be sure to include your contact information so we can respond in kind): 205 Keller Street Suite 202D, Petaluma, CA 94952.

  • Stay inspired – Join our Peacemaker Family group on Facebook.

  • Request a consultation – Could you use some tips on developing a spiritual practice? Would your family like ideas for taking action in your local community? Members of the Metta Center team would gladly help. Email us to request an "office hour" with us by phone, Skype, or Zoom: info@mettacenter.org.

  • Join the Metta Center online – Find us on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter.

  • Support our work – Tell others about nonviolence, and make a gift economy contribution for this course.

Try These Resources

Together, we can build a nonviolent world.

Wondering where your family can go from here? Keep learning about nonviolence! Here are a few resources that can serve as guideposts on your continuing journey:

  • The Way Between – Rivera Sun's novel is not only an entertaining read for young adults, but makes a great aid for parents, teachers, students, anti-bullying groups, peace advocates, and youth activist groups. Learn more and get a copy.

  • Nonviolence News – This Metta Center Facebook group highlights media stories that represent nonviolence in action. You'll also get behind-the-scenes glimpses of our Nonviolence Radio show.

  • Search for a Nonviolent Future: A Promise of Peace for Ourselves, Our Families, and Our World – In this book, Michael Nagler from the Metta Center unveils how nonviolence is our truest power. His approach is both historical and spiritual. With an eye on solutions, the last chapter includes a five-point blueprint for change, along with a "study circle" guide. The foreword was written by Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. Search for a Nonviolent Future won the 2002 American Book Award. Learn more and get a copy.

  • Metta Center courses – We offer other programs that may interest you. Learn about our other course offerings.


You’ve reached the end of the course and completed “Peacemaker Family”; congratulations!