Week 2: Courage and Security

Weekend Activities

1. Read Chapter 2, Gandhi Learns a Mantram.

2. Reflect together: What does it feel like in ourselves when we are angry and want to lash out at someone? Why is it important to calm our minds when we practice nonviolence? What tools do we have to grow in courage and security? Show compassion towards others: What might cause someone to feel afraid or insecure? How do people act when they are afraid or insecure?

Practice Throughout the Week

Consider the family values you shared last week. How can you incorporate those values into a family pledge of nonviolence—and how might a mantram play a role?

Create your pledge together over the course of this week, then decide where you’d like to keep it, as a reminder of your commitment. Here’s a sample family pledge to help you get started, courtesy of the Institute for Peace and Justice.

(Parents: Here’s a sample nonviolent parenting pledge you can use as your own special reminder.)