Quantum Activism

Insights from Physicist Amit Goswami on the Science of Nonviolence

This episode of Nonviolence Radio features Dr. Amit Goswami, founder of the Center for Quantum Activism and former professor at the University of Oregon. Amit talks to Stephanie and Michael about the relationship between quantum physics and nonviolence. One of the basic ideas he puts forth as essential to quantum physics is the notion that the universe, at its core and most fundamental, is immaterial consciousness. This challenges the basic tenets of materialism (the theory underlying much contemporary science), which posits that ultimately, the universe is made up of physical stuff and is governed by universal natural laws. If we accept (or at least consider) the principles of quantum physics, genuine choice and agency become possibilities, We are not reduced to being human machines, compelled by external forces (the laws of nature) to react – often violently – to those around us. Instead we can act creatively, spontaneously and nonviolently.

…in quantum physics, forces, which is the way that we change people, subjugate people to our way of thinking, by applying a force, that's Newtonian. But in quantum physics, forces can only give you possibilities to choose from, and you don't have to choose that one [the violent one]. You can choose also persuasion.

So, in quantum physics, force is a place by choice. The other is choosing the violent way. So, you can change your choice by being humble, by being persuasive, by being straightforward, by being authentic, by exemplifying what you are saying, not using violence.

-Dr. Amit Goswami

Transcript archived at Waging Nonviolence

To listen to the full interview —


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