Love and Feminism: An Introduction to Nonviolence
Course Materials
General Materials
Week 1 Materials
Jo Vellacott, “Women, Peace, Power” in Reweaving the Web of Life: Feminism and Nonviolence. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1982. (pp. 30-41)
Film: The Third Harmony
PW: TH@5MO3H (Cut and paste those characters into the pw box.)
NB: That third last character is an “O” as in Octopus, not a zero.
Suggested Reading:
Barbara Demings, “A Song for Gorgons” (poem) in Reweaving the Web of Life: Feminism and Nonviolence. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1982. (pp. 42-44)
Week 2 Materials
Paula Rayman, “Utopian Visions: Reflections on Feminist and Nonviolent Thought,” in Reweaving the Web of Life: Feminism and Nonviolence. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1982. (pp. 254-261)
Michael Nagler article: “About the New Story: It’s not Really a New Story at All”
Ursula K. Le Guin: “Listening to the Unheard Voices”
Metta Center Roadmap: The New Story
Ursula Le Guin short story/film: “The ones who walk away from Omelas”:
Short films of the story:
"The ones who walk away from Omelas" Film adaptation (2 minutes)
"The ones who walk away from Omelas" Film adaptation (12 minutes)
Week 3 Materials
Mukulika Banerjee: “Justice and Non-Violent Jihad: The Anti-Colonial Struggle in the North West Frontier of British India”
Ghani Khan Poems: “Nonviolence” & “Bacha Khan’s March on Mardan”
Week 4 Materials
Ghaffar Khan: selections from My Life and Struggle, his autobiography
Please read:
page 117, first paragraph
bottom of page 214, from section, “The Pukhtun: Newspaper and Periodical” to page 216,
middle of large paragraph, “…and hundreds of women too would participate;”
from page 236, “The Khudai Khidmatgar Movement had such an effect…” to page 237
“…towards this movement of ours;”
from page 348, the section: “Tour of the Khalil and Momand Area” to page 349
page 418, from: “When Gandhi-ji embarked…” to page 419 “…Muslim to join Congress;”
from 460, last paragraph: “The Harijan colony…” to page 461 “…the teachings of these faiths.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Strength to Love, Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2010, selections
Week 5 Materials
James Baldwin: “Letter from a Region in my Mind,” The New Yorker, 1962
Hannah Arendt’s letter to Baldwin in response to his article on “the gospel of love,” and selections from The Human Condition
Please read:
from page 51 “Since our feeling for reality…” to page 52, “…salvation of the world.;”
page 241, from: “Perhaps the most plausible argument…” to page 243, “…whom one can
Suggested: Marianne Williamson interview on the “Politics of Love”
Week 6 Materials
Leela Fernandes: Transforming Feminist Practice: Non-violence, Social Justice and the Possibilities of a Spiritualized Feminism. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2003.
(The whole book if possible, but at least the Introduction, Chapter One, and Chapter Two)
Suggested reading: Audre Lorde, “Uses of the Erotic: the Erotic as Power”