Chapter 7: A Clear Picture of Peace

75: Nonviolent Moment

What is a "nonviolent moment"? Michael gives us some inspiration around this topic and discusses how it relates to current movements for ending war.

76: Three Giant Steps

What will it take to end war? Michael Nagler outlines three giant steps that he feels can provide the basis for a long-term strategy based in nonviolence. What do you think?

77: Time to Start Nonviolence

Michael Nagler reminds us why our job is not to stop war but to "start nonviolence," connecting the dots to raising human dignity.

78: Nonviolence is Human Nature

Michael Nagler emphasizes the importance of the the new story of human nature as it relates to understanding how nonviolence works. "Nonviolence is not breaking human nature; it's expressing human nature."

79: Transforming War Culture

War, Nagler offers, is not just an institution; it represents a culture. What happens when we insert nonviolence into our culture? Can it help to end war?

80: Framing our Values

Michael Nagler explores some more of the cultural elements of the war system that can be easily challenged through a shift in framing the story of what we do and who we are.