
Nonviolence is also known as “love in action.” As a constructive power, it’s unleashed when potentially destructive drives like fear or anger are converted into creative equivalents like love and compassion.

Nonviolence, when harnessed systematically and in an experimental, scientific spirit, can be used as a force for realizing greater security, justice, and social unity.

  • Nonviolence begins inside of each one of us, and is the greatest power of our human nature. Individuals can affect positive change with or without large groups. Everyone has a role to play.

  • By nature, nonviolence has more to do with building up than tearing down. Even when it obstructs some injustice, the goal is to allow some justice to prevail. Often by building what we want, what we don’t want will either stop or be much easier to stop because we’re offering an alternative. This is the most overlooked and possibly strongest power in nonviolence.

  • It breaks down into two parts: Satya-Truth, graha-Hold Fast to. This is Truth-force or Love-force. We resist injustice without reproducing it. We obstruct hatred and violence with a firmness rooted in love.

  • Let’s piece it all together now. Learn more.

Nonviolence is more than putting another person in power. It’s about awakening a different kind of power in people.
— The Metta Center for Nonviolence

The work of nonviolence is not so much about putting another person in power as it is awakening a different kind of power in people.

The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature

A sustained commitment to nonviolence is often difficult to maintain when confronted with the urgent problems of our times.

We’re here to help.

  • New Title: Looking for Light

    108 Inspirations and Insights from Michael Nagler on Nonviolence.

    Order your signed copy today!

  • 2025 Book Giveaway

    We are giving away a box of our nonviolence books per month in 2025 to classrooms and groups.

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  • New Edition: Gandhi Searches for Truth

    Our updated edition of Gandhi Searches for Truth includes a new dedication, introduction, and poster.

    Find it here.

Things undreamt of are daily being seen, the impossible is ever becoming possible. We are constantly being astonished these days at the amazing discoveries in the field of violence. But I maintain that far more undreamt of and seemingly impossible discoveries will be made in the field of nonviolence.
