Week of April 22, 2024

Nonviolence Report begins at 43:18

Topic Scans and Links:

US Boat to Gaza coordinated by Nonviolence International

Ten-page concept note by Mel Duncan

“Run the Wall 2024”. An event that stands for solidarity, Palestinian rights, and demands an end to Israel's war on Gaza

World BEYOND War - a conversation about using boycotts, divestment, and sanctions

The Villages Group

Honoring the passing of Johan Galtung - Transcend.org, Frans de Waal, and Daniel Ellsberg

Utah Senator Robert Steiner - Why we keep trying to reject gun culture

 Christian Pacifism in History

The Peace Alliance, meeting with congressional offices to dialog about transforming our culture from one of violence to one of peace. They're asking members of Congress to co-sponsor a bill that will create a cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding. The bill is, H.R.1111.


Week of March 25, 2024